Test, Adjust, & Balance
Cloud-Based Reporting
Melink Services introduces a new data reporting tool for Test, Adjust, and Balance. This new cloud-based reporting allows you to see and interact with your site’s assets and TAB reports.
Test, Adjust, & Balance
Cloud-Based Reporting
Melink Services introduces a new data reporting tool for Test, Adjust, and Balance. This new cloud-based reporting allows you to see and interact with your site’s assets and TAB reports.
TAB Reporting At a Glance

Analyze: Monitor Site Performance

Data: Equipment Status & Deficiency Review

Results: Track Assets & Trends
TAB Reporting
Melink’s cloud-based reporting for Test, Adjust, and Balance offers a powerful online platform, helping streamline and enhance the way customers analyze and track site data, reports, and facility performance. This centralized platform provides a comprehensive overview for a site’s TAB report, allowing customers to see site deficiencies first-hand and to have a better understanding of their buildings’ HVAC performance.
The TAB reporting experience lets you interact with your sites’ TAB reports. You can now access and provide updates on visit summaries, equipment scopes, punch list items, and site recommendations.

What is Test, Adjust, & Balance?
Test, Adjust, & Balance, also known as TAB, is the process of measuring and adjusting air and hydronic flows in a building to meet design specifications and building code requirements. TAB ensures that your heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are operating properly and delivering the correct air quantities inside your building. The TAB process helps maintain a comfortable atmosphere, prevent sick building syndrome, reduce maintenance costs, and improve energy efficiency.
Test, Adjust, & Balance is essential for facilities seeking to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy, helping satisfy local jurisdiction requirements and ensuring safety. There are multiple situations when a TAB is crucial; to correct building pressure, during a major remodel, when replacing HVAC equipment, to resolve atmosphere complaints, or when experiencing other air balancing issues.
An Inside Look
Your TAB experience is an interactive digital representation of your custom built report template. Review a summary of TAB visits, punch list items, equipment scopes, and recommendations for corrective action.