Meet Adam Householder, Intelli-Hood Sales Engineer

Business Unit and Job Title

Sales Engineer with Intelli-Hood

What does your job entail?

I am part of a Melink’s Sales Engineering Team. I work to develop Intelli-Hood’s western market presence within New Construction specifications as well as, manage retro-fit opportunities across corporate dining facilities, restaurants, and amusement venues.

What is your personal philosophy?

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you’ve always been.”

What did you do before coming to Melink?

I was a Chemical Sales Engineer for wastewater, boilers, and cooling towers working to improve operations and reduce cost through chemical solutions. I focused on wastewater minimization and reuse, energy efficiency, and regulatory compliance.

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

Melink has a very open, inviting, and transparent culture. Everyone at Melink is working to better the company in their own way and grow as an owner.

What do you like to do in your time off?

I love going to the pool and watching sports. I’m very excited about a MLS team coming to Cincinnati and the 2018 World Cup.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I am related to Abraham Lincoln.

What are you most proud of?

My education and my family.

What are your hopes for our industry?

I hope Melink can set the standard for demand control kitchen ventilation code across the world.

Motto or personal mantra?

Yesterday’s success is today’s expectation.

Do you collect anything?

Soccer Jerseys.

Meet Eric Tanner, Melink Sales Engineer

Business Unit and Job Title

Sales Engineer with Intelli-Hood

What does your job entail?

As a member of a highly focused sales team I am responsible for identifying, tracking, quoting, and closing all New Construction opportunities across all Eastern U.S. Intelli-Hood® markets. I strive to stay as technically focused as possible so as to educate potential clients and specifiers to the benefits of our Demand Control Kitchen Ventilation system and technology, Intelli-Hood®.

What is your personal philosophy?

We only get one shot at life. We are all on this earth together at this very moment, for a reason.  Respect everyone.  Be kind to everyone.

What did you do before coming to Melink?

I was an IT Recruiter for just shy of 6 years.  Essentially, I “networked” for a living.

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

Leadership listens.  People listen.  Everyone wants to help as everyone wants to succeed especially on the fringe of going to an ESOP.  It’s all about working hard and enjoying the ride while remaining laser line focused on proving insanely great service while changing the world one building at a time.

What do you like to do in your time off?

I’m a disciplined workout nut.  I truly enjoy running and, while I’m not super excited when going to the gym, I love the feeling once I am done.  Ultimately, I need to keep moving.  Anything outside like hiking, camping, exploring new state parks, traveling with my fiancé Kelly.  I’m truly up for any adventure and challenge.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

Despite always having to stay busy, waking up early, running, etc…I also love to sleep.  I’m definitely not the type who says, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead”.

What are you most proud of?

I try to count my blessings and appreciate everything in my life. I’d say I am proud of my ability to stay mindful, thankful and levelheaded in times of stress and doubt.

What are your hopes for our industry?

It would be my hope that cerebral influencers and leaders overcome the selfish, greed-driven minds that influence our governments, economy and ultimately their own pocket books. Until this happens, we may never see true full adoption of sustainable practices that ultimately may disrupt the powerhouse fuel-giants of the 20th and 21st century.  As we only have one life, we only have one earth that life calls home.  I hope we can all protect it together.

Motto or personal mantra?

There is but one cause of human failure and that is man’s lack of faith in his true self.

Do you collect anything?

Running/Race Medals – So far, I am over 20!

Meet Melissa Gruesser, Account Manager for Melink T&B

Business Unit and Job Title

Account Manager for Test and Balance

What does your job entail?

My job is to maintain and develop, existing and new customer relationships within the test and balance industry.

What is your personal philosophy?

My personal philosophy is to take responsibility for your own actions, and to be respectful of others.

What did you do before coming to Melink?

Before working at Melink, I was an Account Specialist for Sweco, a manufacturing company located in Florence, KY.

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

Honestly, my co-workers. I work with an amazing team of people that are not only supportive, but fun and energetic. We always have a blast and get the job done.

 What do you like to do in your time off?

On my off time I enjoy spending time with my family. During the summer we love to go swimming and grill by the pool.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I love video games; I have ever since I was a little kid. During college I worked at Gamestop for several years before moving on to my “grownup” job. I still remember playing NES Mario with my dad in the living room floor on Christmas morning.

What are you most proud of?

I’m most proud of my daughter, Hailey. She just turned 9 this past weekend. She’s one of the most caring people I’ve ever met; she has a huge heart. She’s extremely smart and she loves math and science. I know one day she’ll go on to do tremendous things.

What are your hopes for our industry?

I hope one day that all organizations see the value that Melink brings to the world of sustainability.

Motto or personal mantra?

If you haven’t tried, you haven’t lived.

Do you collect anything?

I collect movies. I used to collect a lot more when I was younger, but I still pick up a new on every now and then. Scary movies have always been my favorite.

Meet Angela Bradley, Director of HR

What does your job entail? 

Support and guidance for management on strategic staffing plans, compensation, benefits, training and development, budget, and employee relations.

What is your personal philosophy?

“never, never, never give up”

What did you do before coming to Melink? 

HR Manager with Effox-Flextor, Division of CECO Environmental

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

The Employees

What do you like to do in your time off? 

Spend time with my family and friends.  We like to boat, ride our motorcycle and travel as much as we can.

What are you most proud of? 

I did not complete college in 4 years but 14 years.  I never gave up on the importance of my education. During those 14 years, I married, had 2 kids, continued to work part time and attend school part time.  I finished in May of 1999 after having my daughter at spring break. 

What are your hopes for our industry company?   

Achieving our annual goals, development of our employees, and recruit and retain top talent

Motto or personal mantra? 

A former boss and mentor printed this quote for me.  She said, “When you feel challenged or overwhelmed, read and repeat every day” . . .

 “I plead with you – never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged.  Be not afraid.”     ­-St. John Paul II













Do you collect

I love antiques and hunting
for antique furniture

Meet Matt Meyer, Director of Field Service for Melink T&B!

Business Unit and Job Title

Director of Field Service, Melink T&B

What does your job entail?

Leading and developing the T&B National Network and continually refining field operations to improve customer service and profitability.

What is your personal philosophy?

Enjoy what I do, enjoy who I spend time with, and be passionate in all that I do.

What did you do before coming to Melink?

Project Manager and Service Department manager in the commercial roofing industry for several years and before that I was a Captain in the US Army.

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

The people, hands down the best group of people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. The passion that is displayed each and every day is infectious. You cannot help but try to be your very best when you work here.

What do you like to do in your time off?

I like spending time and traveling with my family. We love to go to museums, parks, zoos, sporting events and just hanging out at the house too! I also like working with my hands and working in the yard.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I’m a history nerd. I named my son, Jackson, after my favorite US President/War of 1812 General and also my favorite Civil War General.

What are you most proud of?

My wife and kids!

What are your hopes for our industry?

I hope that our industry continues to grow and evolve. And that Melink is at the forefront of innovation as buildings become more intelligent and consumers seek to become more energy and environmentally conscious.

Motto or personal mantra?

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. – Theodore Roosevelt

Do you collect anything?

OH YES! I collect Beer Steins, Pint Glasses, Coasters, Bobbleheads – pretty much anything for my basement bar.

Meet Lorie Reese, Project Specialist

What does your job entail?

Direct support for the IH Project Managers and IH Sales Team

What is your personal philosophy?  

“Live every moment, Laugh everyday, and love beyond words”

What did you do before coming to Melink?  

Prior to coming to Melink, I was a Marketing Specialist with a local software company.

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

The family oriented culture coupled with the vision and values of Melink.

What do you like to do in your time off? 

Spending time with my family including my 3 dogs.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I love to watch WWE Wrestling.  I go to the events when they come to Cincinnati and the surrounding Tri-state area.

What are you most proud of? 

My daughter and my husband.

What are your hopes for our industry? 

My hope is that people will become more open to the idea of clean renewable energy and understand the real negative impact for this generation and generations to come, if we don’t make the change now.

Motto or personal mantra?  

Worry about nothing and pray about everything.

Do you collect anything? 

My husband and I love collecting Hallmark Ornaments.  We started this the year before we were married and hope to pass the collection on to my daugher.

Meet Amy Willenborg, Customer Service Manager

Prior to her time at Melink, Amy worked in retail for 20 years with a career that ranged from HR management to merchandising and retail management. Amy joined the Melink family in November of 2011 as an HR recruiter where she helped build the team for 4 years before becoming the Customer Service Manager in 2015. Her extensive experience in retail has helped the Test and Balance division define tailored solutions to fit the customer’s needs.

Business Unit and Job Title: Test and Balance, Customer Service Manager

What does your job entail?

Managing the team of Account Managers who handle all of the Test and Balance divisions national accounts, and matching and scheduling the technicians on their jobs every week.

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

There are a few favorites but first I would say the overall company culture and family atmosphere. I also love working for a company that is making a difference, it is fulfilling and makes me feel like I am a part of something so much bigger than myself. It is pretty amazing to be able to give input and help the organization grow by building new processes and watching my ideas come to life.

What do you like to do in your time off?

I love to spend time with my kids and my grandson as much as I can. I also like to stay active with lots of different activities, especially when they are outdoors.

What are you most proud of?

My kids. I am proud of the strong young ladies they are becoming.

What are your hopes for our industry?

That clean and renewable energy becomes more mainstream and our country embraces the changes. I hope that solar and geothermal are a normal part of every day life instead of an exception.

What is your personal mantra?

Your life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Meet Jason O’Connell, Intelli-Hood Technical Support Specialist

Jason has been with Melink’s technical support team for 2 and a half years. If you have ever called in with a question or need help troubleshooting for Intelli-Hood, Jason may have been the man on the other side of the phone! He has a passion for solving problems and learning more about every person he helps.

Business Unit and Job Title

Intelli-Hood Technical Support

What does your job entail?

Fielding calls and emails from sites which employ one or multiple versions of our Intelli-Hood system. I help to troubleshoot and in most cases can either repair remotely or diagnose the issue and supply the appropriate parts to rectify the issue.

What is your personal philosophy?

Work smarter… not harder.

 What did you do before coming to Melink?

Field Service Engineer – Extremity MRI

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

People. The ones I work with and the ones I help.

What do you like to do in your time off?

Spend time with my family and work on my MINI.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I love sci-fi and horror movies and listen to EDM when I’m in a bad mood

What are you most proud of?

My son. I never thought I would actually be a father until I was. Now he is the most important thing in my life and I will move heaven and earth to make sure he is taken care of and knows he is loved.

What are your hopes for our industry?

My hope is that everyone wakes up and realizes how much in their lives is truly wasteful. So many products we use every day are sold in containers that cannot be degraded yet we throw them away and they get to fill a giant hole in some landfill. Reduce the products we buy that use these containers, reuse the containers for other purposes or recycle the container appropriately.

Motto or personal mantra?

Love yourself because being loved starts inside. If you CAN’T love yourself, you need to rethink where you are or what you are doing.

Meet Matt Herriott, Account Manager for Melink T&B

Matt has been a part of the Melink family for 2 years. Joining the T&B team as an Account Manager in 2015, Matt is responsible for the management of our national test and balance accounts. He proves to be a customer favorite because of his drive, resourcefulness and incredibly friendly personality.

Business Unit and Job Title

Test and Balance, Account Manager

What does your job entail?

My job is the management of the sales and relationships with customers. Our team verifies and balances the HVAC system in Commercial retail and restaurant spaces.

What did you do before coming to Melink?

Before I started at Melink I was working at KeyBank in the Retail Banking. I was serving at a restaurant at night. I was doing small remodels on the weekend.

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

The best part of working at Melink is getting to know each customer. We have a lot of great companies we work with on a day to day basis.

What do you like to do in your time off?

I enjoy spending time outdoors with my wife Laura and daughter Mia.  We go camping at Red River Gorge as much as we can. We just adopted a Blue Tick puppy to take with us.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I would consider myself a Professional Camping Chef.

What are you most proud of?

I love the feeling after completing a remodeling project. Each project has its own challenges that you must overcome.

What are your hopes for our industry?

I hope more people/businesses are educated on the importance of our industry. We need to start making drastic changes to help the environment.

Motto or personal mantra?

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have Roses”– Abraham Lincoln.

Meet Connor Donovan, Melink Geo Project Engineer

Connor joined Melink in 2016 to assist in the development of the geothermal division and Manifest system. In the short amount of time he has been here, he has already made an impact in the industry and we know this is just the beginning.


What does your job entail?

Our geothermal business unit is a lean team, so I get to wear quite a few different hats depending on the day.  My primary tasks probably come down to engineering design, project commissioning and then product development for ManifestTM.

What did you do before coming to Melink?

Went to college! This was my first job out of school so before Melink I was spending a lot of time in my Nuclear Engineering classes at Georgia Tech. I also had a few internships, including one for a startup and one for an engineering firm.

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

I really enjoy how everyone is connected to the same mission here. Even though we have a pretty diverse range of business units, it’s great to see that everyone here is genuinely committed to the cause of sustainability. It’s energizing and helps provide a purpose for the work we do every day.

What do you like to do in your time off?

I live downtown so I really enjoy exploring the city and checking out the newest bars and restaurants. I’m also a big local sports fans, so I’m almost always tuned in to the Reds, Bengals or FC Cincinnati.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I used to perform in musicals and was actually part of a barbershop quartet back in middle school.

What are your hopes for our industry?

I hope that geothermal and sustainable design flip the script and start becoming the standard choices of the commercial building industry. Instead of hearing people ask, “why should we include geothermal on this project?” I want to hear more people ask “why can’t we include geothermal on this project?”. When that happens, I think we will know that the sustainability movement has become fully mainstream.

Motto or personal mantra?

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90%