Why is HVAC testing and balancing necessary?

Category: Understanding Test & Balance

If you’ve ever been bothered by uncomfortable drafts of air or experienced room temperatures that are inconsistent with what the thermostat reads, then you’ll quickly understand why a test and balance is necessary. In short, unbalanced air prevents you from feeling comfortable. TAB ensures that your HVAC system is performing correctly and you have a comfortable and energy-efficient building. It can mean the difference between comfortable and uncomfortable customers and employees, and between wasting and saving money on equipment operation. It also contributes to healthy air quality by ensuring the proper amount of fresh air in the building. Lastly, you want a TAB service performed to be sure the HVAC equipment in the design specifications matches what was actually installed. You wouldn’t believe how often we see this mistake.

One thought on “Why is HVAC testing and balancing necessary?

  1. I agree. Keeping your AC system maintained ensures that it will run efficiently. The main benefit of this is that it will perform better and not need to consume more energy than it has to. When your AC system is not maintained properly, it will not operate optimally. The more efficient your system is, the less your energy bills are going to be.

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