The Melink family feels strongly about green causes and serving others. As servant leaders, several Melink Employee-Owners give back to the Cincinnati community by volunteering their time and offering board service.
Goering Center
Angela Bradley, Director of Human Resources — Board of Advisors

The Goering Center is affiliated with University of Cincinnati’s Lindner College of Business. Thus the center brings together a community of experts and peers to support, train, and educate small and private family businesses. Educational events and workshops are held to promote development and collaboration. The Goering Center has a board of community leaders that provide their expertise and support. Bradley has been an advisory board member since 2018.
“The Goering Center’s mission and vision resonate with my own vision for service and stewardship. As an HR professional, I want to be of service to my employees and provide support and guidance to create a positive work environment. Through the Goering Center’s efforts, any small or private family business can impact our local community, retain top talent in our area, and elevate economic growth in the Greater Cincinnati area,” said Bradley.
Sonlight Power
Angela Bradley, Director of Human Resources — Board of Trustees
Craig Davis, President — Board of Trustees
Steve Melink, CEO & Chairman — Advisory Board

SonLight Power designs and builds solar energy solutions for community venues (schools, medical clinics, orphanages, community centers, churches, water-pumping stations) in remote locations. Work is conducted through mission trips where solar panels are installed. Not only are regions connected with electricity, but residents are trained on how to install solar power systems and how to care for them.
Green Energy Ohio

Green Energy Ohio (GEO) is a statewide, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting clean energy practices through education, outreach, and representation. Miles serves on GEO’s Board of Directors.
Clermont Senior Services
Janice Scheid, Controller — Board of Trustees
Clermont Senior Services is a non-profit organization committed to serving adults ages 60 and over in Clermont County, Melink’s home. The non-profit provides and coordinates in-home and community-based services with input from its board of trustees, in which Scheid serves.
Green Business Council of Cincinnati
Joel Geiman, General Manager — Board Member
Allison Sternad, Director of Marketing & Sustainability — Board Member
The Green Business Council of Cincinnati (GBC) helps local business leaders collaborate on sustainability initiatives, such as energy benchmarking, waste management, and composting. In addition, to help guide the council’s direction and offer their expertise, Geiman and Sternad are part of the GBC’s Executive Board.
Working in Neighborhoods
Steve Melink, CEO & Chairman — Board Member

Working in Neighborhoods helps to revitalize Cincinnati’s low- and moderate-income neighborhoods through home building renovation and financial literacy training. Steve Melink has served as board member for the organization.