Hiring Our Heroes

Melink has had a strong history of hiring veterans for many years. In the last few years we have really targeted that effort by leveraging military recruiting agencies. At Melink, we have veterans at nearly every level of our business.

Our original goal was to find the right type of candidate to fill the challenging role of Field Service Technician. The role takes people away from their families for extended amounts of time, requires people to work independently and to adhere to a specific code of conduct, with integrity being paramount. Veterans seemed to be a natural fit and were drawn to the role. We have found that our military veterans are loyal, hardworking and most of all value their integrity.

Currently, there are 17 military veterans in the Melink family, with one still being active in the Florida Air National Guard. Of those seventeen veterans six of them are in leadership roles and the other 11 are members of Melink’s national network of technicians. That makes 28% of our field workforce veterans, and almost 20% of all of Melink employees.

Hiring veterans is rewarding on several different levels. My team of leaders understand the capabilities of these individuals and we are able to translate their military experience into the civilian job market. Of the team that manages the national network 5 of us are veterans from varying services and disciplines. We all understand the military and veterans in different ways and it gives us a unique advantage when hiring veteran talent. We all relish the chance to provide opportunities to those have also sacrificed and taken up the call to serve our nation.

We are proud of our veterans and excited to introduce you to a few of our longest serving Melink veterans…

Completing boot camp was quite the accomplishment for me and I also made Sergeant (E5) in just over 3 years (almost unheard of in the Marines).  With all that said my time in Iraq back in 2003 was what I came away most proud of.  There’s a different level of pride when you consider serving your country for an extended time frame in a war zone and I had the honor of spending a full year in theatre. I would argue that the level of camaraderie here at Melink rivals what we Veteran’s experienced in the service.  This is very rare in a corporate environment as a civilian.  Here at Melink the mission is clear, and our goal is to change the world.  So, in a sense, Melink has indirectly supported my involvement in the military by providing an environment that rivals the togetherness and mission-oriented mindset I encountered during my time in uniform. I’ve been fortunate enough to find myself in leadership roles throughout my tenure with Melink. First as a Lead Technician in the field and now as a Field Service Manager. This has allowed me to continue to utilize the leadership traits drilled into me during my time in the Corp. Melink has presented me with new challenges over the years which has forced me to continually grow.

– Larry Moore

After working for a company of close to 100,000 employees and feeling like just a number, it was refreshing to work for a smaller company where you can feel you are valued every day. A company where the president/owner shows an interest in your family and encourages you to chase your goals. I appreciate working for a company that values my military background and supports my active involvement in the Air
Force which allows me to fulfill my commitment and achieve my goal of a military retirement.

– Ralph Conti

Prior to my tenure at Melink, I served in the United States Army.  After back-to-back deployments, and having a young family, my wife and I decided that it was time to move onto the next chapter in our lives. Since I have been at Melink it has become common place to see many veterans walk through our doors.  Getting an opportunity to work with so many people from across the country both in and out of uniform has given me and my family a unique outlook. It is truly humbling to see the support given to our Veterans.  Thank you for your Service.

– Mark Goodhind

The Cooperative Advantage

The Solution…Cooperative Advantage

Articles and opinion pieces discussing Universities and Colleges alike seem to constantly be in the news and going viral on social media regarding the high costs to attend and the inevitable debt that most students incur. At the same time many employers have a high bar to even be considered for an entry level position. I can recall in the early days of my career applying for entry level roles with requirements like:

  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering or technology required – MBA preferred
  • 2 years of technical experience required – 3+ years preferred
  • Leadership experience required

With a high barrier for entry with high associated costs, how can employers and students or employees both win?

Several Universities have implemented a strategy, going back several decades, allowing for a win-win both for students and employers. What strategy? Cooperative education programs, or also known as: Co-ops. We like to call this the Cooperative Advantage; helping students and employers alike.

In 1906, the University of Cincinnati (OH) was the first to implement such a strategy. This strategy or Co-op program has evolved, and today is a requirement for many students depending upon the curriculum of their program or college. Students within The College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) are required to have a minimum year of full-time paid experience as a part of the curriculum. Many students have even more full-time experience, with some having as much as two full years of paid full-time experience before graduation!

Other colleges such as Cornell University and Northeastern University have similar Co-op programs. These programs require students to partake in a professional experience.

At Melink Corporation, we regularly employee Engineering Co-op students. For nearly 5 years, we’ve had great success in developing future leaders in our program, meanwhile providing a boost to our day-to-day operations. Co-ops have delivered unexpected benefits such as keeping us all up to date with the latest trends, whether it be Crypto-Currency or Pokémon Go!

 Don’t just take it from me…

Current Melink Employee: “These students become key members that directly contribute to the team. They assist in many roles such as project management, estimating, sales efforts, and customer service.”

Current Melink Co-op Employee/Student: “This Co-op experience has reinforced the importance of communication and deadlines. My course material may not be easier afterwards, but how I learn, study, and work as a team will be.”

The Co-op experience allows students to get paid and learn more tangible/transferrable skills on-the-job. At the same time, employers have the opportunity to bring fresh perspectives to their team, receive some productivity, and groom potential future employees or even leaders of the company!

Co-op programs are a great solution to the cost of education and barriers for entry level roles. Over the last 5 years, Melink has had about 2 co-ops per year. Our more long-term success rate of hiring these students full time after graduation has been nearly 50%! I ask you, as a student or potential hiring employee to consider the positive impact a co-op program.

National and Independent Test and Balance: We Go Where You Are!

National retailers, restaurant chains and commercial property groups all have similar HVAC needs all across the country.  When going to a Starbucks and asking for a “Grande Pike”, we have a set expectation of what we will experience when the barista delivers that 16 oz cup of perfection, right?  Why should commercial buildings be any different?  Don’t the brand managers and facilities teams want their building occupants to have the same, consistent comfortable, healthy experience when inside of their buildings?  Don’t they want their customers and employees to enjoy a safe, comfortable, energy efficient indoor environment at every location nation-wide?  We find the answer to be a resounding YES!

In 1987, founder Steve Melink saw the need for consistent, national, test, balance and commissioning services for national restaurant and retail chains.  While test and balance companies weren’t new, there was no one fulfilling the services in an unwavering manner across the entire nation. Companies either performed work in a small region, or they hired out whomever they could find across the country as jobs popped up. This not only left varying and unreliable reports, but also no standard across the nation for larger national accounts. What was done at one location, may have been measured differently at another, or not even checked at all! Steve understood the need for one company to be able to deliver reliable and consistent services and reports to all business, regardless of location.

13,000+ projects completed since 2014!!

Fast forward 32 years.  Today Melink Corporation is still known as the standard for national test, balance and commissioning services and serves many of the world’s largest and fastest growing restaurant and retail chains.  In the same vein as the Starbucks example, our customers expect consistency and quality no matter where they are building and remodeling.  We don’t leave our quality to chance or to the general contractor’s sub, we hire and train the best technicians and engineers.

With our 100% self-performing, independent, national team of Test, Balance and Commissioning professionals, Melink takes our quality on the road, each and every day.  Simply put “We Go Where You Are”!

Are you struggling to find someone that can service any of your locations? Contact our team by phone at 877-477-4190 (toll-free) or online at tbsales@melinkcorp.com or here…we look forward to helping find a solution for your business!