National retailers, restaurant chains and commercial property groups all have similar HVAC needs all across the country. When going to a Starbucks and asking for a “Grande Pike”, we have a set expectation of what we will experience when the barista delivers that 16 oz cup of perfection, right? Why should commercial buildings be any different? Don’t the brand managers and facilities teams want their building occupants to have the same, consistent comfortable, healthy experience when inside of their buildings? Don’t they want their customers and employees to enjoy a safe, comfortable, energy efficient indoor environment at every location nation-wide? We find the answer to be a resounding YES!
In 1987, founder Steve Melink saw the need for consistent, national, test, balance and commissioning services for national restaurant and retail chains. While test and balance companies weren’t new, there was no one fulfilling the services in an unwavering manner across the entire nation. Companies either performed work in a small region, or they hired out whomever they could find across the country as jobs popped up. This not only left varying and unreliable reports, but also no standard across the nation for larger national accounts. What was done at one location, may have been measured differently at another, or not even checked at all! Steve understood the need for one company to be able to deliver reliable and consistent services and reports to all business, regardless of location.
13,000+ projects completed since 2014!!

Fast forward 32 years. Today Melink Corporation is still known as the standard for national test, balance and commissioning services and serves many of the world’s largest and fastest growing restaurant and retail chains. In the same vein as the Starbucks example, our customers expect consistency and quality no matter where they are building and remodeling. We don’t leave our quality to chance or to the general contractor’s sub, we hire and train the best technicians and engineers.
With our 100% self-performing, independent, national team of Test, Balance and Commissioning professionals, Melink takes our quality on the road, each and every day. Simply put “We Go Where You Are”!
Are you struggling to find someone that can service any of your locations? Contact our team by phone at 877-477-4190 (toll-free) or online at [email protected] or here…we look forward to helping find a solution for your business!