Meet Adam Householder, Intelli-Hood Sales Engineer

Business Unit and Job Title

Sales Engineer with Intelli-Hood

What does your job entail?

I am part of a Melink’s Sales Engineering Team. I work to develop Intelli-Hood’s western market presence within New Construction specifications as well as, manage retro-fit opportunities across corporate dining facilities, restaurants, and amusement venues.

What is your personal philosophy?

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you’ve always been.”

What did you do before coming to Melink?

I was a Chemical Sales Engineer for wastewater, boilers, and cooling towers working to improve operations and reduce cost through chemical solutions. I focused on wastewater minimization and reuse, energy efficiency, and regulatory compliance.

What is your favorite aspect of working at Melink?

Melink has a very open, inviting, and transparent culture. Everyone at Melink is working to better the company in their own way and grow as an owner.

What do you like to do in your time off?

I love going to the pool and watching sports. I’m very excited about a MLS team coming to Cincinnati and the 2018 World Cup.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

I am related to Abraham Lincoln.

What are you most proud of?

My education and my family.

What are your hopes for our industry?

I hope Melink can set the standard for demand control kitchen ventilation code across the world.

Motto or personal mantra?

Yesterday’s success is today’s expectation.

Do you collect anything?

Soccer Jerseys.