Love What You Do

Not long
before Christmas I was out to dinner with some friends and family.  At one
point during the night, the topic shifted toward the Sunday night anxiety
that comes in anticipation of the work week.  Folks went around the table
describing why they get grouchy on Sunday and dread the upcoming week.
Eventually my turn came and I couldn’t help but chuckle and, somewhat
sheepishly, say, “I feel sorry for you guys… I love what I do!”. 


As a
business leader, this conversation really stuck with me. I’m really
disheartened to know that so many people don’t enjoy their work.  Let’s
face it, most of us spend more time working than with our own families, and spending
that much time unhappy is nothing short of tragic.  So, why do so many
people struggle to enjoy their work? 


I’m sure
there are plenty of books and articles out there on this topic.  It
may be easy for me to say that I love what I do, but what about the rest of the
Team Family?  One of our top strategic
objectives every year is to ensure our organization is considered a Great Place
to Work. While I try to keep an active pulse on this year-round, I am always proud
when I see the results of the annual Great Place to Work survey.
Here’s what
people have to
say about why they love coming to work at Melink.


for me… I’m certainly no expert, but I believe life is what you make of
it.  I don’t view my work as “work” and my personal life as “personal life”…
to me, it’s all just life.   Every day will come at us with an
astounding number of challenges.  We can choose to view these as problems
or opportunities.  Personally, I prefer to view each day as a gift, and
each problem an opportunity.  It also helps to know that I have the
pleasure of working with a world class team of professionals.  This 
 is working to change the world, one building at a time, to
improve our global economy, security, and environment – for our children and
future generations.  As a father of three, how can I not be absolutely in
love with what I do?   



Happy Holidays from Melink

As CEO of one of the greenest companies on Earth, I want to take this opportunity to thank our many customers!  Together, we are changing the world one building at a time … by saving energy and reducing the carbon footprint of millions of square feet every year.

Since the spirit of the Holidays is about giving, let me share some ideas about how you can accelerate your journey to a clean energy future at your business and home:

  • Replace your high-usage lights with LEDs.
  • Improve your building envelope with additional attic insulation and triple-pane windows.
  • Upgrade to a geothermal HVAC system when it is time to replace your existing system.
  • Install a heat-pump water heater – and connect to your geothermal system after it is upgraded.
  • Purchase only high-efficiency appliances.
  • Install a solar PV array on your roof, ground, or parking lot to offset your remaining electrical loads.
  • Select the green power option from your local utility for any power you buy form the grid.
  • Purchase or lease only hybrid and preferably electric cars, vans, and trucks.
  • Install EV charging stations at work to educate and inspire your employees and visitors.
  • Install a battery storage system to reduce peak demand charges and ensure against power outages.

Every homeowner and business can reduce its energy/carbon use by 50% or more.  In fact, many of the largest and most successful businesses, universities, and governments across the U.S. and world have already achieved carbon neutrality.

This is about our economy, security, environment, and health!  We can be part of the problem or part of the solution.  Be a leader, do the right things, and your brand and business will benefit.

Thanks again for the privilege and honor of working with all of you. We’re humbled by your passion and trust to make the world a better place for us and future generations.


Steve Melink


Melink Corporation        

Our Melink Culture

By Steve Melink

Our culture is everything.  It is our vision, mission,
and values all wrapped in one.  It is who we are, what we do, and why we
do it.  It is how we treat and support one another.  It is our
brand.  We can’t separate the parts and still have the whole.

But the foundation is one word: Integrity.  Everything
we say and do should model honesty and respect for others at all times.
We should always strive to show positive intentions.  Negativity, gossip,
and pettiness are counter-productive.  We choose to be genuine and

It starts with simple things like acknowledging one another
… with eye contact, a smile, and saying the most important word in the English
language to the other person: their name.  It’s the ordinary hello, thank
you, and have a good day … with an extraordinary result.  Trust.

These small words, gestures, and actions when multiplied
thousands of times over the course of days, weeks, and months … by individuals,
teams, and ultimately all of us … help make our company the safe and healthy
workplace we all want and need.

And this promotes a sense of family.  This is where we
can be ourselves.  This is where we can learn, grow, and flourish.
This is where we can fall, but then be picked up by our peers and
leaders.  This is where we can and will do our best work and make a
difference in the world.

Last, our culture is intentional.  It is not an
accident.  It takes leadership from all of us and takes years to
build.  Let’s never take it for granted.  Let’s build on this
foundation and make it better.  We are a best place to work!